Handle Your Hemorrhoid Problems With These Tips

Try to keep your bowel movements soft when you suffer from hemorrhoids. Soft stools mean less stain and pressure. Go to the bathroom as often as possible to prevent stools from building up. Drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly and eating plenty of fiber is also highly recommended. This article offers additional information that will help to prevent and treat hemorrhoids.

If you keep your anal area clean, you will be less likely to develop hemorrhoids. Pre-moistened wipes can help you clean yourself more effectively and more comfortably than toilet paper. A sitz bath at a lukewarm temperature will help reduce the swelling and irritation of hemorrhoids. Allow yourself to soak for roughly 20 minutes.

One way to lower your risk of developing external hemorrhoids is to practice better bathroom hygiene. Using a combination of quality soft toilet tissue that does not break, and moistening wipes after each bowel movement, can be effective.

Add lemon to your water if you are experiencing hemorrhoids. Lemon is a soothing fruit that can reduce the irritation you feel. Drink a lot of lemon water if your hemorrhoids are irritated.

Bowel Movements

Natural remedies can work just as well as expensive treatments. Following bowel movements, try soaking in a lukewarm sitz bath for several minutes. Don’t make hemorrhoids worse by caving in and scratching them. Instead, use witch hazel to moisten some cloths and apply these to the affected areas for short-term relief. Fill your diet with plenty of fiber, and be sure to drink lots of water, at least eight glasses a day. This can help keep you from too much straining while having bowel movements.

Take a fiber supplement every day, especially if you do not consume many fruits and veggies. Don’t take the supplements all at once, spread them out through the day and drink lots of water

As previously stated, the best way to avoid hemorrhoids is to keep your stools soft which will reduce straining and pressure. Adding more water and extra fiber to your diet can help. By following the advice in this article, you can help to ensure that hemorrhoid attacks do not occur as often.
