Going green doesn’t have to be hard on your wallet, nor be time-consuming. Making some changes to the home can lower electricity bills and benefit the environment. Learn how to harness green energy to help the environment and yourself by reading this article.
The government has grants available to those who are willing to invest in alternative renewable energies. Contact your city or county government and ask about energy conservation programs available in your area. You might qualify for a solar or wind installation at no cost, or at least be able to deduct your expenses from your taxes.
Do you have a large plot of land? If so, you can rent a portion of it so wind turbines can be installed. The energy generated can benefit your entire area without taking up much room.
It is important to clean your furnace filter on a regular basis to be sure you are using as little energy as possible heating your home. Adding filters to your warm-air registers is not a bad idea, either. This will help ensure debris doesn’t enter heating ducts, thereby reducing your efficiency.
If possible, use cold water in your clothes washer. If you use warm or hot water in your washing machine, almost 90% of your energy use goes towards heating the water. Provided you are using the right laundry detergent, you will not see a cleanliness difference by washing in cold water. Don’t forget to only wash clothes when you have a full load s you are as efficient with your energy as possible!
Check what other energy sources are available in your neighborhood. Find out what the cost would be to switch, how much it would cost to maintain, and whether your government has any legislation regarding its use. You might find that you could save money by switching from an electric furnace to a natural gas one, for instance, or from using municipal water to your own well water.
A green tankless model of water heater can replace a regular tank styled water heater. Even though these green versions of water heaters still use electricity or gas, they only need it to warm the water you’re using instead of heating it at all times. There are tankless heaters designed to not only provide one area with hot water, but also to heat entire houses.
Fans of green energy should limit their use of electric heaters in the winter. Buy more warm clothing and use a fireplace to add heat to your home. Remember, cooler air during sleep is better for breathing, and keeps the airways from drying out.
Some people deny that global warming exists, but even these people can still personally benefit from green energy technology. With just a few minor alterations to your daily routine, you can realize significant savings on your energy bill.